Tony maserati wife
Tony maserati wife

tony maserati wife

At Electric Lady, Jon worked closely with Michael Gayle, a brilliant guitarist and songwriter (credits include Aretha Franklin, Howard Tate and session man for Jerry Ragavoy at the original Hit Factory in NYC), and Jimi’s studio co-owner and legendary manager, Mike Jeffries. Spoonbread, one of his groups, opened for Al Green at the Apollo, three shows a night and five on weekends! Before owning his own studio, Jon had the honor of recording and co-producing records with a New York City and Woodstock-based group called Shout Band at Jimi Hendrix’s Electric Lady Studio. Ultimately deciding Artist production and development was “his bag,” Jon began nurturing acts he would book in venues such as Max’s Kansas City. and Europe – quite an eye-opener, especially in the South. In the 60’s, Jon toured with mostly black bands up and down the East Coast and around the U.S. Jon moved to Greenwich Village, joining the explosive music scene. Jon enthusiastically promoted new music events performed at the gallery thus prompting a career shift back to music. Major influences on Jon at this time were art dealer, poet and scholar, Timothy Baum, British art world insider and writer, Bernard Jacobson, who opened Jon’s eyes to the English pop and colorfield scene, and Arturo Schwartz, writer/historian and publisher/dealer in Milan.

tony maserati wife

Returning to NYC, Jon opened the Everyman Gallery on Madison Avenue near the Whitney Museum, exhibiting original graphic and multiple works of Marcel Duchamp, Andy Warhol, Jim Dine, Malcolm Morley, David Hockney, Richard Hamilton, and Peter Blake, who, with his wife, Jan Harworth, created the Sargent Pepper visuals for the Beatles’ album and costumes. Jon threw his lot in with the “artsy” kind gravitating to the New York Avant Garde art scene at Max’s Kansas City nightspot and other NYC downtown venues and traveling to Europe to study Dada and Surrealism. After hours of listening to Hipster Symphony Sid’s Late Night Jazz radio shows, Jon had a suspicion that the world did not need “a white Jewish Elvin Jones or even a wanna-be Buddy Rich”, however… James’ “Pappa’s Got a Brand New Bag,” became Jon’s life-long mantra. Jon caught a James Brown show at the famous Apollo Theatre in Harlem.

tony maserati wife

Already attending North Shore Conservatory of Music and playing with local bands (a drummer then), life suddenly changed in the form of a tip from a fellow musician. Dual passions: music and art.Ĭurious, but uninspired by the “boring normalcy” of his Long Island suburban upbringing, Jon’s salvation was hearing R&B and Pop music on New York radio stations, buying records and digging live music shows and museums in the big city. Jon Grossbard, an Executive Music Producer and recording studio icon in New York City for 25 years.


Jon Grossbard, a different drummer… professional biography

Tony maserati wife